Alexandra, The Dorky Writer - Chapter 1

This entry was originally posted on my Goodreads blog on January 19th.

Hey, everyone! I normally don't post ANYTHING here, but that's something I intend to change because I don't want to be alone in this, because the Goodreads community seems to be extraordinary, and because it's time for my social anxiety to get out of the way... for now... I don't know how much this is gonna last, to be completely honest! (I have the feeling no one's gonna read this, so this might work as a diary).

Let me tell you a sad story:

Once upon a time, this dorky and amateur writer collided with the biggest writer's block in existence, so in a way to defeat this ferocious evil, she decided to return to school and get a Master's Degree in Writing Culture. This ferocious evil, whose name she's still searching, proved to be the biggest challenge, academically speaking, for this angsty translator, and even though she faced great monsters, she was acceptably victorious and started to write a tiny bit again, nothing extraordinary, but enough to keep her sane...

But no one had prepared her at all for the biggest obstacle of all: The Mighty Thesis.

Obviously the story hasn't reached its end.

So, the real adventure begins. Even though I can't take the thesis seminars yet, I need to dive in and read a lot. The thesis' main route right now is the study of women's memoirs and their differences in different cultures (The Complete Persepolis inspired me). The problem is that I don't know what would be good to read next, so if you are reading, by any chance, and know about a good memoir, please recommend it to me and I'll give it a look at its Goodreads page and users' comments too!

End of Chapter 1.

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